Vincent Hedan
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여고괴담 1: Whispering Corridors

여고괴담 1: Whispering Corridors

A discussion on the representation of the students’ situation in the south-korean education system. And a bit of magic too.

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Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is a video game released in 2011. Why talk about a video game on a magic blog? Because this game is the occasion to make a parallel between the two worlds and to find inspiration in the bridges that are created.

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Choosing A Stack

chapelet jeu mémorisé memorised deck memorized deck rosary stack

Choosing A Stack

You’re thinking: «Hey, what if I learned a stack?». Good. However, with the multitude of stacks available in magic literature, how will you choose? There are some traps to avoid during the selection of your stack.

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How To Memorize Your Stack?

chapelet jeu mémorisé memorised deck memorized deck rosary stack

How To Memorize Your Stack?

Now that you’ve decided what stack you want to memorize, it’s time to... memorize it! But how?

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John B Born - Seeking The Bridge

chapelet jeu mémorisé memorised deck memorized deck rosary stack

John B Born - Seeking The Bridge

John B Born, a young magician from New-York, is back with a 200-page book dedicated to his card magic. Because it was announced that half the book would be focusing on stack effects, I felt compelled to buy it.

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